The Illustrated Pocket Diary and Almanack for 1864
Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Kent & Co. S.D. Ewins
Published by Mead & Powell, London.

31st Dec 1863
Visit to Dr Bellamy

18th Dec 1863
Visit to Dr Bellamy

18th February 1864
Visit Dr Bellamy

31st March 1864
Called on Dr Bellamy with my Mother.

1st April 1864
Dr Bellamy called to see [All?] at Fany’s. Commenced next medicine on Saturday night on my return to Yass. April 2nd not.

(Rangers, Mosman, N.S.W.)

8th from misdated Bathurst 2.0.0
14th Cheque from Wellington 5.0.0
24th Cheque 4.0.0
7th April Head from Dr Ballamy prescribing a fresh medicine – desert spoonful 5 times a day to report to him with effects in a day or two.
12th April. Wrote to Dr Bellamy telling him I felt much relief from the medicine.
15th Commenced another course. Dessert spoonful twice a day. Stopped on the 18th.
Wednesday the 20th illness came on, wretched Tuesday night, the 19th.
25th Called with F on Dr Bellamy.
Fresh course once a day.
Went to Dr Bellamy 7th May
Commenced fresh medicine 10th May – 2 teaspoonsful night, morning.
Wrote to Dr Bellamy, Wednesday the 25th telling him I had had no relief, I had experienced no change.
27th May. Commenced Powders, completed the course on the 2nd June.
17th June.
Called on Dr Bellamy with Fanny, ordered old medicines – Dessert spoonful at a time, finished the course on the 22nd.
27th June.
Wrote to Dr Bellamy to say the last medicine had not the same effect it had before.
29th June
Commenced another bottle of [fonues?] prescription, one teaspoonful 3 times a day.
8th July
Bilious attack. Fanny called on Dr Bellamy for me and brought me medicines.
20th July
Called with Fanny on Dr Bellamy, ordered [Husses?] for bilious symptoms.
25th July
Wrote to Dr Bellamy, ordered [Itillias?] for old symptons.
7th September
Called on Dr Bellamy, recommended me to see [Breretons Eclation?] to [Frisk’s?] Baths.
21st November
Called on Dr Bellamy. He recommended Baths and [pearbal?] course of medicine. Thought it unnecessary I should see him except in the [count?] of any great change.
Fanny faint, called on Dr Bellamy – 3rd August.
5th September paid visit.
18th September, letter from Dr Bellamy
29th Opinion that [time?] was no necessity for my coming [Abuun?]
17th November Very first visit, I with Fanny
24th Nov. Called with Aunt Sophy.

£1 B. Note 1.0.0
15th Cheque 5.0.0
31st Cheque for School 5.0.0

9th October
Postage Stamps 2.6
14th October
Music 4.6
Drawing Paper 1.0
17th [October?]
Nedly 3.0
School Fee 4.10
Jessie 2.0

21st [October?]
E Postage 1.4

Brought forward
1865 £11.0.0

8th February
Cheques J.W. £10.0.0

Brought forward 11.0.0
3rd Cheque from M. Wellington 2.0.0

16th December
Sulphur Pills for [wind, Enil?] and lotion for bite of sandfly.

15th May
2 Visits from Dr [Thorn?]
3 Sets Medicine from

7th July capped both ways
3 visits since at different times.
15th August Visit from Dr [Smmmm?]
17th November 1. Visit.
Wrote to Dr [J?] awful. [stabwal?] of case.

Brought forward

5th August cheque £5.0.0
14th Cheque 5.0.0
18th Fee for Doctor [Brt?] 5.5.0

Brought forward £13.0.0
Cheque 2.10.0
20th ditto 1.0.0

[blue biro pen]

Recipe for Treacle Putting
Next page
March Week 13 1864

[back to black ink]

Brought forward £16.0.0
Cheque 1.0.0
17th ditto 4.0.0
27th cheque for schooling for Milly 5.0.0

Brought forward £36.5.0
4th Cheque Mr W. 10.0.0
6th Cheque 5.0.0
20th Cheque 5.0.0
Carried over

Brought forward [May?] £56.5.0
1st School fees for Milly 5.0.0

Brought forward £26.0.0
4th May £1 Bank note 1.0.0
10th May cheque 2.2.02
Milly [Mt W ??] £2 borrowed by me

Monday 22nd May 1865
Mil came to Sydney

Brought forward £29.12.0
11th Cheque 2.4.0
25th Cheque Signed to Mill 1.0.0
27th two one poound notes 2.0.0
29th One £1 note 1.0.0

8th June
Brought forward 61.5.0
Cheque £5.0.0
Paid FW 10.10.0
Carried over

Brought forward 35.12.0
15th July Cheque for £3 – 3.0.0
18th July Cheque for £3.11.0 – 3.11.0
20th July £3 in £1 Bank Notes – 3.0.0
21st July £2 notes – 2.0.0

20th July Cheque on Dubbo £5.0.0
Carried over

Brought forward
4th August * Sent to Mr Pratt[?] 5.0.0
9th August Cheque in favour of Mr Pratt for £4.10.0 – 4.10.0
*Paid to F.W.

1st September Cheque for £5.5.0 – 5.5.0
8th Cheque from [Nd?] 1.0.0

8th September Cheque 5.0.0
Dawson & Eape[?]
Jenkins £1.5.0
Cheque Milly 1.0.0

Brought forward 62.19.0
2nd October 5.0.0
24th October 16.8.8
Mil sent Bill of [Eackay?] on England Account
Paid Assurance
Balance given to me £16.8.8
26th cheque 5.0.0
£57 £89.7.8

20th October
Cheque £5.10.0
Ditto School Fee 4.10.0

Sunday 6th May
Dr Sherwin called to examine Milly’s chest and gave him two bottles of medicine.
29th Dr Sherwin called to see Milly. Sent him a report the day before suffering from diarrhoea [Renned?] 2 bottles of medicine and supplied pills for Mil.
{bought bottle lotion and 1 bottle medicine – 3rd visit.}
{2nd March wrote to Dr Sherwin for Milbourne mentioning symptoms. Received 2 bottles medicine. Equal to 4th visit.

21st March. Visit from Dr Sherwin in consequence of my writing to ask him to call, suffering from [kind?] of [bost?] and fever and unusual pain. – 5th visit.

Dr Sherwin’s account
January 1866.
20th January Received answer to 2nd report from Dr Sherwin, with Pills and a bottle of medicine.
23rd February Sent 3rd report of all to Dr Sherwin, sent a bottle of medicine and said he would call. Equal to a visit.
Sunday 25th Dr Sherwin called and entered fully into case.

[page missed from being photographed]

1st November
Bill on England £34. Balance paid to me by Mr W. after deducting 1st 1865 premium on policy.

Brought forward
29th cheque from Bank Bathurst £5. 5.0.0

29th called on Dr Brereton, I told him wished him to undertake my case. Paid him £1.1.0
Fanny went to him on the 5th December to tell him I was not so [redt?] altered medicine.
6th December Wrote to Dr N to tell him the effect, sent fresh medicine.

Brought forward £94.7.8
2nd cheque Milly £1.0.0 – 1.0.0
20th Travelling expenses for Milly to W. 5.0.0

Visit to Dr Bellamy
J.M.M. 2 visit in Dec 1863

5 drops of Nitric acid to dessert spoonful of water: if too acid add more water.
Apply it three times a day.
Take also 5 globules of Sepia (if 30 potency) before breakfast daily.

R/ for the eyes.
Wine of Opium as a lotion.
1 tea spoonful to 6 table spoonful of water.

Mrs P.
Mrs Brindleys
Bowen Street
Surry Hills

Mrs Francis (for Mrs Dars)
81 Francis Street

To boil salt beef get 9 ½ lbs of the navel part of the Brisket as the most tender. Place in cold water and let it come to the boil slowly. It should boil some hours very slowly with the lid of the boiler slightly raised so as to let all impurities of taste swell and escape. Otherwise it will not taste[?] so well but the meat be ever so good when it is perfectly tender to that it will allow a fork to run through it in every direction. It is done place it in a dish and take out the bones. Then place another dish on the top of the meat and on the top of that place a weight of 5 6 bls and let it remain till morning when it will be fit for use.

A round of beef done in the sauce way is very nice.

Collared or Stuffed breast of Veal
Take out the bones of (a large breast or two small ones) Chop up a good bunch of Parsley, and ¾ lb of Suet, chopped up, sprinkle pepper and salt well over your meat and mix plenty of pepper and a good spoonful of salt. 2 eggs, a table spoonful of marjoram and a table spoonful of Lemon thyme, and a teaspoonful of Cayenne will together with the parsley and suet. Have four or five slices of [fat?] green cut bacon and laid on the breast then [flirous?[ your herbs and seasoning well over and roll it up very tightly in a cloth. It will take from two hours and a half to 3 hours to boil. When the cloth begins to look a little loose the meat is done. One or two hard boiled eggs cut in half and put in with the seasoning are an improvement.

A breast of Mutton similarly done is very good, stuffed with sausage meat.

9th June
Wall from Rangers.
Steamer 5.-
Cab given C Lucy 6.6
Turnpike 1.0
12 Errand for Mrs P 0.6
Fanny 1.0
Bonnet Cap 2.0
Milly for C’s. 2.0
Postage Bit Dusan 0.6
16th Paper[?] 0.6
Wall 5.

Sponge Cake
5 Eggs
1/2 lb sifted sugar
Break the eggs on the and whisk for ½ an hour Take the wight of two eggs and a half of flour. After whisking grate in the rind of a lemon. Stir in the flour and immediately pour with a tin lined with buttered paper and put into rather a cool oven.

Infermented Head.
3 lbs flour
½ an ounce Carbonate of Soda
½ an ounce [muriatic?] acid.
With water enough to make it consistent.

The Guava. Plant the seeds in a box and let them grow to the height of four or five inches and then plant them out in rows of from five to six feet apart. The trees never require to be trimmed, they [near?] thrive in the year and the second or third year after planting. The large white and yellow kinds are the best.

To manufacture them they should be [packed?] and cut into quarters and put into cold water I a wooden or earthen vessel until [paring?] is finished. They are best done in a brass or copper vessel trimmed inside which must be carefully cleaned with [buru?] juice and Bath brick and then scoured with soap and sand. The Guavas must be covered about 3 or 4 inches with water. You must then put them in to boil on a good bush fire. The vessel left open and boiled till the fruit goes all [copius?] Then empty all into an earthenware vessel and strain through a fine hair sieve or cloth till all the liquid leaves the pulp. Then strain the pulp through a much coarser sieve so that it will only retard the seeds, into another vessel and keep both separate for manufacturing the second time.
To every two cupfuls of the liquid add one cupful of sugar until your preserving pan is half filled. Set on a bush fire and [skim strain] freely till finished. When near the consistency of jelly put a drop in a cup half full of water and if the liquid spreads in the water it is not done. If it goes to the bottom take your fingers and move it, if it moves without spreading it is done and must be taken off immediately or it will burn. It must be then poured off whilst hot into dry jars left to cool. When cold a little loaf sugar should be sprinkled on the top.
The pulp is done in the same way.
It is called jam. It requires less boiling than the jelly.

Sir F. Pottinger died on the Sunday afternoon at ½ past two on the 9th April 1865 – aged 35
Milbourne saw him on Tuesday the 4th and found him much as usual. He complained that he had had a severe pain in his side the night before when playing cards and had to throw his cards down. But Steel, the Doctor said he was only suffering from a little over exertion. He had had one or two drives in the Domain and said he should come up in a day or two to see us. On Wednesday the 5th it appears he became worse but we received no information about it till Sunday when the steward from the Club came to inform us of this death.
[Sir Frederick Pottinger 1831-1865 – Police Inspector]

Cure for Dropsy
4 ounces of Broom Tea in 1 gallon of hard (dry) cidar, not [graced?] the leaves of the Broom must be burnt to ashes and then made into tea and taken as frequently as possibly by the patient. It has been known to cure the worst cases.

31st May
R left after breakfast saying that he was going to Sydney to ascertain what Verdict the Jury had arrived at relative to M-‘s case, but that he would positively be back to dinner at two o’clock. He never came. At night C- discovered that he had left his Watch (and other baubles he usually had about him) in his dressing room, evidently shewing that he did not mean to go to Sydney when he left home, or at least to be with his friends.
1st. Isaac[?] Alderton came up to say that he had heard of R being at [Measkers?] Hotel, very tipsy and being violent, having struck a young man who tried to persuade him to return home That he had left [Mearkers?] that afternoon and no one knew where he had gone. Wrote to Dr W to inform him and received in reply directions to have him in readiness I case of R coming home in a state of D.J. All went to bed in a state of much nervous anxiety and depression. [Having?] his violence to C- [like?] him much [tired?], no one slept.
2nd Tried to make further enquiries but could hear nothing either in Sydney or else where. Alderton having been every where and inquired of all R’s friends to no purpose.
Weather stormy.
3rd Another day of anxiety and no tidings. Cstell making every inquiry understood from one of the new servants that a note had been sent for him from a Governess, the name of Williams at Newtown/ Directed that a search should be made there. Have suspicions that it may be [feigned ?] [recue?]

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